The 2nd Coming

April 29, 2015

When Jesus appeared the first time, the bible says He appeared unto His own, and His own received Him not. Now you must remember, these were people that from the time they were 8 days old were instructed on the coming messiah. Possessors of the covenants and the law, and the only true religion according to the Father. This is who Jesus appeared to. Yet, they could not recognize who He was. But somehow, we assume that we could never miss this “2nd coming” because we are in fact, Christians. “We have the Holy Spirit and they didn’t, so we would never be misled.” That is the usual argument. “The Spirit will lead you unto all truth.” Well the Spirit led those in the wilderness and they died there because of unbelief. So the question becomes, can you be led to truth, if you don’t believe it?

It’s about time that the teaching of the 2nd coming of Christ be explained. The traditional teaching says that Jesus will return for a second time and reestablish his eternal kingdom. Now… depending on your belief, it could be he’s coming to remove the saints, or maybe He’s not. These traditional views, while based in scripture, do not take the scripture as a whole to find out what the Lord was, and is saying. So if the idea of the 2nd coming has to do with the Lord setting his feet on the Earth, wouldn’t the second coming be when He appeared unto Mary at the tomb? Or what about when He stood in the midst of the disciples while they ate, or 8 days later when He had Thomas touch Him? Maybe it was the time that He walked 7 miles along the road to Emmaus. Or showed Himself to His apostles for 40 days speaking about the kingdom. But…what about the time that He showed Himself to 500 brethren at one time. Then Paul says he too spent time with the Lord. So… He’s come to the Earth on so many occasions, and yet we as Christians are waiting for the “2nd coming.”

Here is where I will show you what I was taught by the Lord. Remember, this is just bible, look it up for yourself.

It starts in John 14:2 “In my father’s house* there are many mansions.” (mansions- permanent dwelling places) *House- Hebrews 3 “Christ is the son of His own house. Whose house are we.

So what Jesus was saying is that we are the house, made up from many rooms, or permanent dwelling places. When He said, “I go to prepare a place for you,” has nothing to do with Him going back to heaven to paint your house and hang the curtains for you so it’s ready. He was saying that He is leaving so we can become that place, here, and now! The reason He must go is so that He can return. But return how?

“I will pray to the Father and He will send you another comforter, that He may abide with you forever. Even the Spirit of truth……. But ye know Him because He dwells (present tense) with you, and shall be (future tense) in you. Then Jesus says, “I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you.” Jesus says He is sending the Spirit as a comforter, but then says he is the one coming. But the church can’t see Him in that form because they don’t believe like that. They are still awaiting their messiah (2nd time) just as the Jews are awaiting theirs’ (1st time). This is why Jesus says, “yet a little while and the world sees me no more, but you see me because I live, and you shall live also.”

“ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye are in me, and I am in you.” Jesus then says He and the Father will come and make their “abode” with us. This is the same word as mansions.

So after seeing these verses for what they were intended to be. We find that Jesus returns to His people in the form of the Holy Spirit. The “2nd coming” was when He entered our bodies in Spirit form to walk the earth in us! We don’t understand that the Father, the Son, and the children are all one! So when Jesus’ flesh left the earth, we were supposed to become that body. His body. The Father’s body, in the earth. Performing the things that the Father has already accomplished in the heavens. This was the pattern that Jesus did while He was alive in the flesh. There must arise a corporate man in the earth. Not this religion that we call Christianity, but the true manifest love of the Father and His Christ in the earth. This corporate man will walk in all the wonder and power of Jesus.

Wait until we talk about what the body produces……